• Novi Sad
    • Podgorica
    • Zrenjanin
  • Employment type: Full Time
  • Posted by: Vega IT

Ko može da se prijavi:

Kandidati sa jednom ili više godina iskustva na poziciji DevOps inžinjera specijalizovanih u radu sa Azure-om. Formalno obrazovanje u oblasti IT-ja nije neophodno ali je poželjno. Daćemo prednost kandidatima sa završenim osnovnim ili Master studijama u oblasti IT-ja.

Tvoje odgovornosti:

  • Razvijanje i implementacija Azure infrastrukture koristeći IaC
  • Automatizacija procesa koji se ponavljaju
  • Bliska saradnja sa timovima koji rade na razvoju softvera i implementiranje CI/CD principa rada za
    razvoj, testiranje i primenu aplikacije
  • Kontejnerizacija aplikacija i upravljanje kontejnerima
  • Razvoj i implementacija okruženja za razvoj, testiranje i procese puštanja aplikacije u produkciju
  • Kontrolisanje infrastrukture i aplikacije za poboljšanje
  • Održavanje i unapređenje trenutnih procesa
  • Analiza rezanja troškova
  • Predlaganje izmena koji dodaju vrednost klijentima

Neophodne veštine:

  • Iskustvo u radu sa Azure-om i ADO-om
  • Iskustvo u kontejnerizaciji i upravljanju kontejnerima (Docker, Azure WebApp, AKS, Container Instances, ACR)
  • Iskustvo u radu sa IaC (Terraform, ARM templates, Bicep)
  • Iskustvo u pisanju CI/CD za aplikacije i infrastrukture (AWS CodePipeline, Jenkins, itd.)
  • Iskustvo u vođenju administracije za Linux i Windows (umrežavanje, kontrolisanje, bezbednost, kreiranje rezervne kopije)
  • Iskustvo u radu sa veb serverima (Nginx, IIS)
  • Iskustvo u korišćenju alata za kontrolisanje (Application Insights, Monitor)
  • Poznavanje barem jednog skriptnog jezika
  • Osnovne DevSecOps veštine
  • Osnovno znanje Active Directory-ja
  • Odlično znanje Engleskog jezika

Veštine koje bi bilo dobro da poseduješ:

  • GitOps (Argo, Flux)
  • Helm
  • Konfiguracija alata za upravljanje (Ansible, Chef, Puppet)
  • Razvoj infrastructure imajući na umu razvoj oporavka od katastrofe i veliku dostupnost
  • Poznavanje SQL-a and NoSQL-a

Prednosti rada u našem timu:

  • Rad na velikom broju različitih projekata (što uključuje rad sa različitim tehnologijama) 
  • Širenje znanja i samim tim unapređenje tvog postojećeg poznavanja tehnologija
  • Upoznavanje različitih timova iz različitih zemalja i upoznavanje raznih organizacijskih kultura što će ti pružiti šansu da se dodatno razvijaš na ličnom nivou
  • Aktivno učešće u izazovnoj i dinamičnoj radnoj sredini
  • Podršku celokupnog tima kako bi ti pomogao da se lakše uklopiš u kompanijsku kulturu i povežeš sa ostalima
  • Podršku celokupnog tima u razvijanju svojih tehničkih veština

Šta možeš da očekuješ?

Ako veruješ u ono u šta i mi verujemo i želiš da učiš, radiš i da se dalje razvijaš, prijavi se na ovu poziciju tako što ćeš nam poslati tvoju biografiju na engleskom jeziku na jobs@vegait.rs i pridružiti se Vega IT timu. 

Mediacentar Hero

Postani deo Vega IT!

Upoznaj deo našeg People experience and support tima

Prvi utisci su važni, pogotovo kada biraš tim sa kojim želiš da radiš. Upoznaj Mariju, Jovanu, Stefana, Jelenu, Sašu i Natašu - naše kolege i koleginice koje ćeš prve upoznati tokom tvog procesa selekcije.

Marija Rakić

People Experience & DEI Manager
Marija Rakić
Marija actively participates in job selection processes and plays a key role in organizing internships within our company, which is why you will often see her at student fairs and conferences. She describes herself as dedicated and efficient in her work. In addition to her role as a People Experience Manager, Marija also holds the position of DEI manager. She encourages you to learn more about our company through our Vega IT Pulse podcast.

Marija Rakić

People Experience & DEI Manager
Marija actively participates in job selection processes and plays a key role in organizing internships within our company, which is why you will often see her at student fairs and conferences. She describes herself as dedicated and efficient in her work. In addition to her role as a People Experience Manager, Marija also holds the position of DEI manager. She encourages you to learn more about our company through our Vega IT Pulse podcast.

Jovana Radaković

People Experience Manager
Jovana Radaković
As a graduate psychologist, Jovana has found her calling in working with people in an organizational context, and at Vega IT, she holds the position of People Experience Manager. Some of her favorite processes include the selection and onboarding of new colleagues. Her teammates find it delightful to listen to her conduct interviews. She believes that is because of her dedication to each candidate and through a shared discussion she encourages candidates to derive value from the interview themselves. Jovana firmly believes that the selection process is a two-way street.

Jovana Radaković

People Experience Manager
As a graduate psychologist, Jovana has found her calling in working with people in an organizational context, and at Vega IT, she holds the position of People Experience Manager. Some of her favorite processes include the selection and onboarding of new colleagues. Her teammates find it delightful to listen to her conduct interviews. She believes that is because of her dedication to each candidate and through a shared discussion she encourages candidates to derive value from the interview themselves. Jovana firmly believes that the selection process is a two-way street.

Stefan Prebiračević

People Experience Manager
Stefan Prebiračević
Stefan is a part of our People Experience and Support team, and he is someone you will frequently encounter in our interviews. Good energy and wittiness are the best words to describe Stefan. All future colleagues will have a chance to meet Stefan during their first day at our company and participate together in one of the workshops during the onboarding process. :)

Stefan Prebiračević

People Experience Manager
Stefan is a part of our People Experience and Support team, and he is someone you will frequently encounter in our interviews. Good energy and wittiness are the best words to describe Stefan. All future colleagues will have a chance to meet Stefan during their first day at our company and participate together in one of the workshops during the onboarding process. :)

Jelena Perišić

People Experience Manager
Jelena Perišić
Meet Jelena from the People team! If you’re thinking about joining our team in Niš, whether as an intern or a colleague, you will undoubtedly meet Jelena during the interview process. She is always there for her colleagues, offering support and assistance through their work challenges and cherishing a positive atmosphere during diverse and enjoyable team-building events or happy hour gatherings. Jelena is approachable, transparent and cheerful, and to top it off, there’s always chocolate waiting at her desk. Feel free to drop by whenever you need a sweet pick-me-up!

Jelena Perišić

People Experience Manager
Meet Jelena from the People team! If you’re thinking about joining our team in Niš, whether as an intern or a colleague, you will undoubtedly meet Jelena during the interview process. She is always there for her colleagues, offering support and assistance through their work challenges and cherishing a positive atmosphere during diverse and enjoyable team-building events or happy hour gatherings. Jelena is approachable, transparent and cheerful, and to top it off, there’s always chocolate waiting at her desk. Feel free to drop by whenever you need a sweet pick-me-up!

Saša Lalović Vlaović

People Experience Manager
Saša Lalović Vlaović
Saša is a part of the People Experience and Support team in our office in Podgorica. If you’re applying for a job or internship in Montenegro, Saša will be your first point of contact. She will provide you with all the relevant information you need in a relaxed atmosphere, encouraging you to ask any questions. Saša’s ultimate goal and mission are to ensure that all colleagues feel comfortable at work. It means a lot to her when colleagues know they can count on her for everything they need. Together with her colleague from the marketing team, Snežana, she organizes all the fun, creative and CSR activities in the Podgorica office.

Saša Lalović Vlaović

People Experience Manager
Saša is a part of the People Experience and Support team in our office in Podgorica. If you’re applying for a job or internship in Montenegro, Saša will be your first point of contact. She will provide you with all the relevant information you need in a relaxed atmosphere, encouraging you to ask any questions. Saša’s ultimate goal and mission are to ensure that all colleagues feel comfortable at work. It means a lot to her when colleagues know they can count on her for everything they need. Together with her colleague from the marketing team, Snežana, she organizes all the fun, creative and CSR activities in the Podgorica office.

Nataša Jovanović

People Experience Manager
Nataša Jovanović
Nataša always keeps in mind the phrase ‘’Kindness matters’’ during interviews with our candidates and in her daily work with colleagues. She manages the selection processes, facilitates the onboarding of new colleagues, and organizes team-building activities and internal conferences. Alongside the team, she provides support to all colleagues. Her strengths are patience and a willingness to look at things from different perspectives. Her passion lies in people-focused work which she truly loves.

Nataša Jovanović

People Experience Manager
Nataša always keeps in mind the phrase ‘’Kindness matters’’ during interviews with our candidates and in her daily work with colleagues. She manages the selection processes, facilitates the onboarding of new colleagues, and organizes team-building activities and internal conferences. Alongside the team, she provides support to all colleagues. Her strengths are patience and a willingness to look at things from different perspectives. Her passion lies in people-focused work which she truly loves.

Pridruži se našem timu!

Uvek smo u potrazi za talentovanim i motivisanim ekspertima iz raznih oblasti. Hajde da se upoznamo i popričamo više o tvom iskustvu i karijeri. Pošalji nam svoj CV i neko iz našeg tima će te ubrzo kontaktirati.