Da li tražiš posao ili praksu?

Želiš da postaneš deo Vega IT? Saznaj više o našim pozicijama i pošalji nam svoj CV. Jedva čekamo da te upoznamo!

Softver inženjer

Želiš da radiš u timu gde možeš da usavršavaš postojeće znanje? Saznaj više o detaljima pozicije i kontaktiraj nas. 

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QA Inženjer za automatizovano testiranje sa iskustvom

Tražimo iskusnog QA inženjera da se pridruži našem timu. Imaš iskustva sa automatski testiranjem? Poseti naš oglas i saznaj više!

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Drupal inženjer

Ukoliko želiš sjajnu priliku za dalji napredak u svojoj karijeri, pogledaj naš oglas za poziciju Drupal inženjera. 

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DevOps Inženjer sa iskustvom

Tražimo iskusnog DevOps inženjera da se pridruži našem timu profesionalaca. Poseti naš oglas za posao i saznaj više o poziciji!

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Praksa za softver inženjera

Započni svoju karijeru na mestu gde se učenje nastavlja. Saznaj sve o praksama u Vega IT kompaniji. 

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QA inženjer sa iskustvom

QA inženjer si sa preko 2 godine iskustva? Voleli bismo da te upoznamo. Pročitaj na oglas i saznaj više o poziciji!

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DevOps Inženjer bez iskustva

Uči od kolega sa iskustvom koje će te motivisati da dalje usavršavaš svoje DevOps veštine. Prijavi se već danas.

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PHP and JavaScript inženjer sa iskustvom

Želiš da radiš sa sjajnim i talentovanim ljudima? Pošalji nam svoju biografiju već danas.

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Softver inženjer bez iskustva

U potrazi si za mestom gde ćeš započeti svoju karijeru? Voleli bismo da te upoznamo. Pošalji nasm svoju biografiju.

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Želiš da nam se pridružiš?

Mi smo kompanija širokih shvatanja. Deo smo sredine koja neguje intuitivno i proaktivno učenje koje nam omogućava da očekujemo i da se pripremimo za najnovije tehnološke trendove. Radujemo se novim izazovnim i nesvakidašnjim idejama koje podstiču našu inovativnost. Očekujemo da i ti budeš širokih shvatanja.

Piši nam

U potrazi si za nekom drugom pozicijom?

Ukoliko pozicija koju tražiš nije trenutno otvorena, rado ćemo pogledati tvoju prijavu i kontaktirati te kada budemo imali otvorenu poziciju za tebe. Pošalji nam svoj CV!

Zanima te kako izgleda proces selekcije za posao? 

Pitaj naš People Experience and Support tim tako što ćeš ih kontaktirati na jobs@vegait.rs

Contact Page

Upoznaj deo našeg People experience and support tima

Prvi utisci su važni, pogotovo kada biraš tim sa kojim želiš da radiš. Upoznaj Mariju, Jovanu, Stefana, Jelenu, Sašu i Natašu - naše kolege i koleginice koje ćeš prve upoznati tokom tvog procesa selekcije.

Marija Rakić

Culture and DEI Business Partner
Marija Rakić

Marija actively participates in job selection processes and plays a key role in organizing internships within our company, which is why you will often see her at student fairs and conferences. She describes herself as dedicated and efficient in her work. In addition to her role as a People Experience Manager, Marija also holds the position of DEI manager.

She encourages you to learn more about our company through our Vega IT Pulse podcast.

Marija Rakić

Culture and DEI Business Partner

Marija actively participates in job selection processes and plays a key role in organizing internships within our company, which is why you will often see her at student fairs and conferences. She describes herself as dedicated and efficient in her work. In addition to her role as a People Experience Manager, Marija also holds the position of DEI manager.

She encourages you to learn more about our company through our Vega IT Pulse podcast.

Jovana Radaković

People and Culture Business Partner
Jovana Radaković

As a graduate psychologist, Jovana has found her calling in working with people in an organizational context, and at Vega IT, she holds the position of People Experience Manager. Some of her favorite processes include the selection and onboarding of new colleagues. Her teammates find it delightful to listen to her conduct interviews. She believes that is because of her dedication to each candidate and through a shared discussion she encourages candidates to derive value from the interview themselves. Jovana firmly believes that the selection process is a two-way street.

Jovana Radaković

People and Culture Business Partner

As a graduate psychologist, Jovana has found her calling in working with people in an organizational context, and at Vega IT, she holds the position of People Experience Manager. Some of her favorite processes include the selection and onboarding of new colleagues. Her teammates find it delightful to listen to her conduct interviews. She believes that is because of her dedication to each candidate and through a shared discussion she encourages candidates to derive value from the interview themselves. Jovana firmly believes that the selection process is a two-way street.

Stefan Prebiračević

People and Culture Business Partner
Stefan Prebiračević

Stefan is a part of our People Experience and Support team, and he is someone you will frequently encounter in our interviews. Good energy and wittiness are the best words to describe Stefan. All future colleagues will have a chance to meet Stefan during their first day at our company and participate together in one of the workshops during the onboarding process. :)

Stefan Prebiračević

People and Culture Business Partner

Stefan is a part of our People Experience and Support team, and he is someone you will frequently encounter in our interviews. Good energy and wittiness are the best words to describe Stefan. All future colleagues will have a chance to meet Stefan during their first day at our company and participate together in one of the workshops during the onboarding process. :)

Jelena Perišić

People and Culture Business Partner
Jelena Perišić

Meet Jelena from the People team! If you’re thinking about joining our team in Niš, whether as an intern or a colleague, you will undoubtedly meet Jelena during the interview process. She is always there for her colleagues, offering support and assistance through their work challenges and cherishing a positive atmosphere during diverse and enjoyable team-building events or happy hour gatherings. Jelena is approachable, transparent and cheerful, and to top it off, there’s always chocolate waiting at her desk. Feel free to drop by whenever you need a sweet pick-me-up!

Jelena Perišić

People and Culture Business Partner

Meet Jelena from the People team! If you’re thinking about joining our team in Niš, whether as an intern or a colleague, you will undoubtedly meet Jelena during the interview process. She is always there for her colleagues, offering support and assistance through their work challenges and cherishing a positive atmosphere during diverse and enjoyable team-building events or happy hour gatherings. Jelena is approachable, transparent and cheerful, and to top it off, there’s always chocolate waiting at her desk. Feel free to drop by whenever you need a sweet pick-me-up!

Saša Lalović Vlaović

People and Culture Business Partner
Saša Lalović Vlaović

Saša is a part of the People Experience and Support team in our office in Podgorica. If you’re applying for a job or internship in Montenegro, Saša will be your first point of contact. She will provide you with all the relevant information you need in a relaxed atmosphere, encouraging you to ask any questions. Saša’s ultimate goal and mission are to ensure that all colleagues feel comfortable at work. It means a lot to her when colleagues know they can count on her for everything they need. Together with her colleague from the marketing team, Snežana, she organizes all the fun, creative and CSR activities in the Podgorica office.

Saša Lalović Vlaović

People and Culture Business Partner

Saša is a part of the People Experience and Support team in our office in Podgorica. If you’re applying for a job or internship in Montenegro, Saša will be your first point of contact. She will provide you with all the relevant information you need in a relaxed atmosphere, encouraging you to ask any questions. Saša’s ultimate goal and mission are to ensure that all colleagues feel comfortable at work. It means a lot to her when colleagues know they can count on her for everything they need. Together with her colleague from the marketing team, Snežana, she organizes all the fun, creative and CSR activities in the Podgorica office.

Nataša Jovanović

People and Culture Business Partner
Nataša Jovanović

Nataša always keeps in mind the phrase ‘’Kindness matters’’ during interviews with our candidates and in her daily work with colleagues. She manages the selection processes, facilitates the onboarding of new colleagues, and organizes team-building activities and internal conferences. Alongside the team, she provides support to all colleagues. Her strengths are patience and a willingness to look at things from different perspectives. Her passion lies in people-focused work which she truly loves.

Nataša Jovanović

People and Culture Business Partner

Nataša always keeps in mind the phrase ‘’Kindness matters’’ during interviews with our candidates and in her daily work with colleagues. She manages the selection processes, facilitates the onboarding of new colleagues, and organizes team-building activities and internal conferences. Alongside the team, she provides support to all colleagues. Her strengths are patience and a willingness to look at things from different perspectives. Her passion lies in people-focused work which she truly loves.

Želiš da naučiš kako da napišeš svoj CV?

Da li znaš da preko 53% regrutera pročita CV za manje od 30 sekundi? A da ga oko 27% pročita za jedan minut? Onda sigurno znaš koliko je važno napisati dobru biografiju!

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Pridruži se našem timu!

Uvek smo u potrazi za talentovanim i motivisanim ekspertima iz raznih oblasti. Hajde da se upoznamo i popričamo više o tvom iskustvu i karijeri. Pošalji nam svoj CV i neko iz našeg tima će te ubrzo kontaktirati.